You are curious! Aren't You!!

    I have browsed several home pages and I have not come across anything called "NOTE". I am including this in my home page because I think it's important for several reasons.

    One funny thing I have noticed in several web pages is the "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" sign. This is crazy because no web page can ever be finished, like poems all web pages are never completed but abandoned.
So this web site is always under construction and is subjected to constant modifications, The only time this web site is complete is when I am dead, till then it will improved and is subjected to constant growth.

    The motto behind creating this web site is "KISS :- Keep It Simple Stupid" so that all web browser will be able to read it and will load quickly. So this web site contains simple graphics but is appeasing to look. I may add some Java scripts in future but it is always better to add more content than graphics.

    This web site contains two seemingly opposites, one is "Devils Dictionary" and the other is "Famous Quotes".
    In this world, one is branded perverted if one quotes from "Devils Dictionary" but the same person is branded intelligent if he/she quotes words of famous persons. This is rather ironic because if you go through "Devils Dictionary" and "Famous Quotes", you will find the same meaning. "Devils Dictionary" is a alternate thought which when applied carefully will yield astonishing results. Several people have used this alternate thought and have also implemented it and have become famous and their words of wisdom have been presented as 'Quotes'. As Mahatma Gandhi once said "THINK DIFFERENTLY", I have therefore included the 'Devils Dictionary' and a large collection of quotes to encourage you to think differently!

        As an I am naturally inclined to like technical stuff, and I am a freelance writer for "Electrionics For You", an electronics magazine in India, So I have compilied a small collection of my writings and other interesting articles and some important links under the "Technical Stuff" section. I have compilied a small
but useful set of papers, lecture handouts, and books on VHDL and verilog. These books and papers are
good enough for any one to learn VHDL or Verilog. Currently the "Technical Stuff" section is under construction and is being constantly modified. In future, a seperate section containing several VHDL source codes and links to other interesting sites will be added.

        But 'ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JONNY A DULL BOY' so to help you relax, there is a "Laugh" section, which contains some good jokes, some of the poems which I have written, and some thought provoking articles which was collected from internet.

    Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, For a hobbyist cook, the recipe is most important along with the
skill to experiment. I experiment with recipes often with good results. Since I was born in Karnataka (India), I have compilied a small collection of recipies of foods which are unique to Karnataka. You are encouraged to copy the recipies and experiment with it.
    Since I was born in Madikeri and have lot of family links in Kodagu, I have included considerable information about Kodagu in my web page. Moreover there is not enough information about Kodagu in
Internet, I have started a small web page about Kodagu and hope to make it big some time in future.
    I lived most of life in Bangalore and this prompted me to include information about Bangalore and
Karnataka.There are several links about Bangalore and Karnataka to help you find more information.
Bangalore is called as the Garden City of India due to its gardens. Twice every year flower show is organized
at Lalbagh Botanical Garden, on 26th January and on 15th August. You can see some photos of the flower
show in the photos section.

       The rest of the web page contains the usual stuff, resume, photos etc.